Sunday, July 24, 2011


We've all heard the stories of little green men from outer space coming to take over the Earth and annihilate the human race. Although that is probably not what we'll find, some believe that there is other life, besides what's here on Earth, in this universe. Are you a believer?


  1. I think that there are extraterrestrials, better known as aliens. Imagine our world the only planet with living things on it. With all of the galaxies and space, do you really think that we are the only ones out here?

  2. the Acuminational AveryJuly 24, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    Well, there may be aliens somewhere far away. On Gliese 581 d, the orbit is set just right for the possibility of liquid water. Water = Oxygen = Life. If any bacteria grow on that planet, then there may be a cause of evolution there. The result of adaption probably won't appear to look like typical melted-plastic aliens, but may come to cause beings similar to those on earth.

    There probably aren't any aliens currently in the Observable Universe, but they may come to live on this planet.

  3. The universe is expanding millions of miles per second. New galaxies, stars and planets are being created. Don't you think that just one could form like the earth did, in that right spot, at the right temperature and size? It's like the ocean- we haven't even discovered 10% of it, yet we think we know whats in the 90%. We haven't even went out of our solar system, and we are saying that we are alone in this ever expanding universe.

  4. productivepatienceJuly 25, 2011 at 2:20 PM

    I personally think it is a bit self absorbed for us (as in human beings) to think that we are the only intelligent life in the entire universe. If you look here on Earth you will find that many statistics show that dolphins have the same brain capability as we do. While I don't believe aliens are little green men that say " take me to your leader" I do believe that their are extra-terrestrials out there. Chances are that they are even more advance as a civilization than we are, living in a galaxy millions of light-years away.

  5. I love how seriously everyone takes this. I've asked my friends at school about this and nobody takes me even the least bit seriously. I also believe that other life exists. If you think about the millions of other galaxies, each with millions of stars, each with their own set of planets, it's kind of hard to think that there isn't at least one in which there is some form of life.
