Thursday, July 21, 2011


     I will play the roll of Albert Einstein a world renowned scientist, and create a screen name for myself… you will all complete 20 minutes of research on any historic/famous figure.. Whether it be a famous pilot .. CROSStheATL.. Amelia Earhart..Maybe you’re a fan of astronaut Buzz Aldrin..ShouldaBeen#1 or how about Paul Revere A.K.A. MidnightRider911 and create a screen name for that person.. You will respond to my first blog posted by Albert Einstein A.K.A. EggHeadE=Mc2, you must attempt to respond by commenting in character and try to spark a conversation.. Introduce yourself in the beginning with one of your greatest achievements.

Mr. Abbato (Remember to give yourself recognition for credit)

(Immigrant Albert Einstein taking the official oath before being granted citizenship in the U.S.)

EggHead= Mc2 :
        Hello future scientists of America! My alias is Albert! I’m new to this blogging conundrum! Especially because …when I passed away, the Internet was non-existent! During my life, I revolutionized science with new theories and formulas. You could say.. I thought out of the universe.. I mean box ! HAHA.. For example: my theory of relativity. Ever wonder what it would be like to time travel? In theory it is quite possible! Perhaps by your would have achieved this technological break through..

Time travel…
What an interesting yet extremely perplex concept..
Pros / Cons?
What would you do with the ability to time travel?
Should there be restrictions?


  1. I believe that Time travel has many pros and cons but more cons that pros. The main con I can think of is that you can get lost in time, and you might never be able to see your family and friends ever again. The only pro I can think of is that you can go into the the past and stop things from happening or you can go into the future and bring back useful tools from the future to the past. Another con is that you can change that some people can use time travel for evil like assassinate me. George Bush the greatest president ever.

  2. If I could time travel i wouldve prevented the holocaust from happening.

  3. I think people shouldnt be able to over use the ability to time travel.

  4. Xxthe_world_is_roundxXJuly 22, 2011 at 7:05 PM

    Galileo here. I'm so enraged that the space programs are terminated! Was it the church's idea? Oh wait, sorry, it's not the 1500's anymore. About your theory, Einstein, time travel is a mind-boggling, dangerous, and not worth the hassle. Inventing a time machine would ruin the very fabric of spacetime, and give no meaning to the preasent. Why stay in the preasent when you could be in the future? Also, as soon as you hit the ON button on the time machine, then they would exist, and immedietly people would be time traveling because you invented it. It was a good idea, but the cons outweigh the pros. (BiteSizedBenW)

  5. --Neil--IS--#1-- (outstandingomar)July 22, 2011 at 7:48 PM

    This is Armstrong speaking. This "time travel" only appeared in comic books! I can't believe you are trying to make it. Us "humans" should just live our lives. We can't tamper with ourselves. You see, we went to the moon to discover and expand our knowledge. I am not going to time travel to the year 2193 when rockets are risk free and indestructible. I'm going to take chances and make history. What if we get lost in time like Bush said. There is no room for malfunctions, and the same is with my rocket. We could get mixed up in the future, or interrupt history. We could even get eaten up by one of those giant prehistoric creatures i was supposed to read about in school! Time traveling could also be used for terrorism, but can also be used to stop it. I would use it to go on the moon again, and for nothing else.

  6. I first just want to respond to George Bush and point out his acute combination of stupidity and arrogance. He has been known as the worst president in history, due to his mistake of attacking Iraq. You shouldn't have been so dumb to do so, because if they were planning to attack us with weapons of mass destruction, the only rational route would be to prepare for defense, not just attack them on the word of spies. Your support of oil as a fuel is also misled, as oil won't last forever, and will ruin the environment. It accumulates too many consequences to be depended upon, and is even running low. Is there anything good you have done for the United States of America?

    Anyways, I haven't introduced who I am. I am Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States. I have made many actions to support green technology, gay marriage, stem cell research, gun control, and have been awarded the Nobel Peace prize. I graduated from Harvard, and in my presidency, I have captured Osama Bin Laden, on the Top 22 of the FBI's Most Wanted List. I will also be re-elected for the 2012 election on November 9th.

    Now I am going to respond to EggHead=MC2, aka Einstein, on time travel. I wouldn't know how time travel works, and I do not support what I do not understand, but asking what one would do with it is equivalent to asking what one would regret. And when we take a look at what regret is formed of, we can see that a big part of it is the failure of taking risks. And when you define situations in which one would take risk, the failure of one usually is in the benefit of another. Ultimately, it would be selfish in many situations to take advantage of time travel.
    So, any other person would be able to time travel back in time to prevent themselves from gambling or partaking in bets, in which such events they would deserve to lose, and the people they contend with would deserve to win. Anybody would also be able to pick up any Annual Report magazine for any company, and by strategically picking stock, become rich. Undeserved monetary gains are not ultimately beneficial.
    But, the big question is, what would I do? I am afraid I wouldn't have much strong influence in many parts of the past, for I am a black man, but I definitely regret the war we started with Iraq. We, or George Bush, have mistook their country for one that prepared weapons of mass destruction, causing a brutal war which even I couldn't stop. I would have to stop the war by erasing the evidence that caused the spies to even consider Iraq's destructive plans. The war, once prevented, would save us the expense of many lives and much money.
    However, I would not prevent every event, as every event adds onto history. Without history to derive consequences from, you cannot prevent future occurrences. Even if I were to just soften the effects of what's happened so far, then there would be a consequence, probably resulting in people underestimating costs. The case of Iraq is special, however, because of no possible gain from it. The only thing I can think of is the identification of George Bush's ignorance, and the prevention of his re-election. However, I supposed that he couldn't have done anything else, because the term he was in that year was his last one, by the 22nd amendment.
    Based on what I said earlier, because time travel is so easily used for selfish, undeserved gain, nobody but the just should use it. And the only person I could truly determine as just is myself, with exceptions to Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who wouldn't possibly need any more money. So, I would completely restrict time travel to You, Einstein; Myself, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates, and we would work together to refine what we could.

    (the Acuminational Avery)

  7. the Acuminational AveryJuly 22, 2011 at 8:20 PM

    wow im so sorry i wrote so much. Mabye we should work on a text limit. I get carried away with writing sometimes.

  8. Hello, Malcolm X here.I'm the one that help make my fellow black.I wonder did anyone of my race do any special yet.Oh yeah I forgot, Einstein's question of time travel pros and cons.I think it would be very helpful to some people, religions and races, like Jews and African Americans.But it would mess up how the world is today.It would have the power to eliminate many events that shaped the world.Also if certain people get it they could mess up the past or future. So I think that it has to many cons to be made.

  9. Einstein was a great mind in history. He was the worlds most known genius. Me, well I am a known historical figure myself. My name is Harriet Tubman. I am proud of myself. I helped the lives of many. I am proud to have helped to make this country better. I rescued the slaves that were being mistreated and were abused. Leading them to the Underground Railroad was a pleasure. Also having people to try and capture me was thrilling. I was wanted for a good cause that others were blinded by.
    Well back to Einsteins time travel questions. I think that some Pros/Cons are essential to discuss at this moment. Well, some positive things about time traveling is that going into different time periods to help out in your time period. For example, going into the future to get certain tools that were not invented yet but is needed in a certain project. That is when tiime travel would be best. Now for Cons. A major thing that is negative about time traveling is getting into a tiime period and changing it. An example, lets say you went into my time period or another time period. If you were to take another persons role, such as George Washington in the past, then that can change your time period or even the future. So time travel can be at a price.
    If I had the ability to travel through time, I would visit the Indian era. It would have been amazing to learn their language and to learn their ways of living, the way they hunt, and the way they have speciall ceremonies. I would also like to go to the day of the twin towers attack. 9-11. I would have liked to warn all the people in the building to get out because of an attack. To save all those people would have been a great choice to travel back in time.
    The most important part of time travel is, the restrictions. Someone can go too far then it could ruin the entire world and its future. The main restriction is going back in time and playing another persons role. If I were to be the first president instead of George Washington, that could change history forever. (Although I do like the sound of President Tubman).
    So anyways, I believe that time travel has its wins and its losses. Time travel can be a great step foward for everyone, and it would be fantastic if scientists could figure out how the space time continum. Einstein was a great mind in history and everyone plays an important part in the world and in their life.


  10. Hello my name is Sacagawea. As you know I helped Lewis and Clark with their expedition. I am here today to talk about Einstein's idea on time travel. To me I time travel sounds very interesting but time travel can also be dangerous. With time travel you can go visit the past and future. You can stop all of the bad things that happened in history from happening. There is problems with time travel to. For example if you change one thing in the past you will also change the future. You could just change one little thing but you will change the past and the future so time travel is not always a good thing. If I were able to go back in time I would change the bad thing that happened in our past. I would stop the oil spill and I would stop 9-11 from ever happening. I would not use time travel for my own personal needs but for others. I think there should be restrictions on time travel. You should be able to go back in time to see George Washington or to stop Licoln's assassination. If you do big things like that you will change the future completely. I think time travel is a good idea but it comes with a price.


  11. Still Body, Active BrainJuly 29, 2011 at 10:18 AM

    Hello, my name is Stephen Hawking. As many people do know, I have a disease that has left me almost completely paralyzed, but that hasn't stopped me from stretching my mind to places that my body could never reach. I have made great contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially with black holes. One of my most famous discoveries was my theory that black holes should emit radiation, called Hawking radiation, but that I can get into at another time. I'm here to talk about time.

    I, being a scientist, have always been more curious than cautious. Time travel has, in the past, been considered scientific heresy. I have to be honest and say that I avoided talking about for a while because of this, and now is my chance to speak my mind. At the moment, time travel is not practical. You need to travel close to the speed of light to even get close to traveling through time at any significant rate, and that is just not possible for us right now. I am a dreamer, even if it is impossible now, I believe that our minds will come up with a way to accomplish this, so let's put practicality aside. Humans now have a way to travel through the fourth dimension. What will we do with this? What are the pros and cons? Everyone thinks about their future, the future of your life, the future of humans, even the future of the universe. Being able to see that future instead of dream about it is certainly a pro of time travel, but there are many, many cons to it too. Paradox. One gigantic reason that time travel to the past should not be possible. If you go back in time and kill your grandma before she has kids, you should not exist anymore right? But if you do not exist, how could you be there to kill her? Paradox. Time travel is a powerful and dangerous thing, it will be interesting to see how humanity deals with it, if I'm still alive to see it.


  12. I--WAS--FIRST-500yearsbeforeColumbusJuly 30, 2011 at 8:51 AM

    Good morning, Leif Ericson here. I was the leader of a band of Vikings in me prime. And before I respond to EggHead= Mc2's post, I wish to state the fact that I, not Columbus, discovered North America. Only I had to leave because of me bloodthirsty sister, Freydis, who was pillaging her own mates! Murder and robbery is only for the enemy! She had commited a dark crime. I couldn't bring myselfto execute her, so I left her on that unexplored continent and went home, leaving her to the fate of exile. So its all because of my annoying sister that I was forced to put off the "discovery of America" for 500 years.
    In telling you this story, I will now respond to Einstein's post. I don't see how you could travel through time. You must need some very strong magic, like a leprechaun or genie, or you might have to be a very powerful wizard. What does E=mc2 even mean? But, if I could get myself those magical powers, I would get rid of me sister at birth, so that I could claim "the discovery of America" for meself. I could also pull a lot of practical jokes... Anyway, why should there be restrictions? There are no restriction in magic...

  13. Oh by the way, that last comment was me.

    Hello, Ben Franklin here. In case you don't know who I am heres some background info, well I am an inventor of many things such as bifocals, swimming flippers, almanacs, and a small other one, ELECTRICITY! But I don't like to brag. For one I would like to say that Einstien's post wouldn't be possible if it weren't for electricity. And the world as you know it would be very different if it weren't for me the person who is probably the best inventor ever. Though in answer to this "time travel" question. It is very hard. A simple pro of time travel is that people could learn about history much easier. Though a con would be if somebody wanted to change history. Then there would have to be many restrictions that needed to prevent a drastic time paradox. If I could go back in time I would stop Thomas Jefferson from taking credit for the Declaration of Independence.

  15. FirstAmericanWomanDoctorAugust 3, 2011 at 7:10 PM

    For those of you who do not know me, my name is Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman to receive a graduating diploma from an American medical college. I was born in Bristol, England on February 3, 1821, as the third child of a family of nine children. After my father's sugar refinery had burned down, my entire family and I had immigrated to the United States and were each forced to obtain jobs. During my search for an occupation, I had encountered my elderly, pale, and ill companion named Miss Donaldson, who was the remarkable person that influenced me to become a physician, which was a male-dominated profession at the time. However, after applying to various medical colleges, I had ultimately been accepted to attend the Geneva Medical College of Western New York, based on an ironic fluke. During the early 19th century, it had unheard of for a female individual to become a doctor, since the only jobs that women could fulfill were restricted to being merely a teacher, seamstress, or housewife. However, despite the numerous sexist taunts that I had faced during my attempt to become a physician, I had managed to become the first American woman to graduate from an actual medical school with the highest honors in class and a diploma on January 23, 1849. Since then, I had been able to establish my first dispensary or hospital in the United States, which had soon increased in prominence and had became known as the New York Dispensary for Indigent Women and Children. Additionally, several of my further achievements had consisted of instituting the Women’s Medical College of the New York Infirmary, which was the initial all-women medical college within the United States, effectively preparing women to serve as nurses within the Civil War, becoming the first female doctor to be legitimately marked within the British Medical Registry, and inspiring hundreds of other women to engage in medical practices.

    In response to Albert Einstein's question about time travel, I believe that like everything else within the world, time travel can be used as both a beneficial feature and a negative aspect depending on the intentions of the people, who utilize it. In a constructive manner, time travel can allow numerous individuals to return to previous eras, which would provide them with the opportunity to study the history, culture, and creatures of our past more accurately. Therefore, by learning more information about our past, it might possibly lead to new advances or discoveries in science, such as being able to determine the precise age of each rock layer in the Grand Canyon. Furthermore, by possessing the ability to travel through time, human beings could prevent certain dreadful events from occurring, such as the 9/11 attack, which would save various individuals' lives. However, even if a person changed an incident in the past for a noble cause, it would greatly change the present society that we live in today, which is only one of the cons regarding the use of time travel. Additionally, some human beings could use time travel for their own greedy personal benefit by returning to the past to steal vital resources from countries that are not deficient in security or protection. Therefore, there should be extremely strict restrictions about the utilization of time travel, which should only allow individuals, who have not committed any major crime and have spent the majority of their lives aiding others, to travel through time. Personally, if I had possessed the ability to travel through time, I would most likely visit the future era, in order to learn about the new technological advances in medicine and assist a wider range of individuals with their medicinal needs.

    (Nimble Nha-Uyen)
