Thursday, July 21, 2011

Would you buy this for $900(Sick Saul, Beastly Ben)

Would you buy this?


  1. Definitely! It looks so awesome.

  2. The first comment has to edit there name

  3. Wow i had to edit my name to

  4. Fromn my persective, $900 is an extremely expensive price for only one chair, considering that it is entirely made out of cardboard. That precise amount of money could actually be used for something worthwhile, such as for paying for a month's worth of food costs or for donating to charities. Therefore, I would not purchase that chair for $900, although I do find it funny that some individuals are actually willing to pay for items at higher prices, simply because of the artist's fame and fortune.

  5. To put it simply no. Why? Read Nimble Nha-Uyen's comment.
